Monday, August 8, 2016

Media Bias

In yesterday's Hartford Courant, there were eleven editorials in the Commentary section, seven of which involved national politics.  Of those seven, four were attacking Trump. The others dealt with ObamaCare and its different potential futures, why Governor Molloy might not be the best person to stump for Hillary, and one lone piece laying out the many reasons why the writer would be voting for Trump.  Additionally, there were five political cartoons (six if you count the weekly Caption Contest), three of which (four if you count the Caption Contest winner) were anti-Trump. Even in the hard news section, there was only one overtly political story, and that one dealt with Trump's allegedly falling poll numbers.  All week there has been an endless reliving of Trump's verbal gaffs, while there has been no reporting about Hillary's email problems, or her continued attempts to deny that she did anything wrong, in spite of the FBI Director's assertion that she did. She cast aspersions on the families of the Benghazi massacre and indicated that they were either lying or delusional for saying that she blames a video for the deaths, yet there has been no mention of that, but Trump defending himself against the callous remarks by the Muslim Gold Star father has been all over the news for days. Personally, I'm not as concerned with what either of them say except as their remarks relate to their actions.  So far I have not seen or heard that Trump is anything but a successful business owner who has made a positive impact on cities across the country and the world, while Mrs. Clinton has accomplished nothing positive to show for all her experience. The Hartford Courant isn't even a major national newspaper, but it still reads like a Democratic mouthpiece. Of course, this is Connecticut, one of the bluest states in the nation, and also one of the most poorly run, with an economy and a tax base in shambles. I wonder if there is any connection?

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