Sunday, August 14, 2016

Gay or Transgender - That is the Question

OK, here's a question to ponder: what is the difference between a homosexual male and a transgender male? Suppose, for instance, that you're a male who is sexually attracted to males, rather than females.  How do you know whether you are a homosexual male, or a female trapped in a male body, given that gender identification is now determined solely by one's own feelings, rather than by one's anatomical make-up? Suppose you're a woman who is attracted to other women, rather than other men: How do you know that you are really a woman having feelings for another woman, or a man trapped in a woman's body having feelings for another woman? What if Psychology has been wrong all along, and there is really no such thing as actual "homosexuality": that what has been called sexual orientation is really gender orientation? It would explain why there are so many gays and lesbians who demonstrate personality characteristics or preferences associated with the opposite gender.  Even if this were true, combining homosexuals and transgenders would still only affect less than two percent of the population according to most measurements, but in a country of 300+ million that would be about six million people-certainly a sizable number. Geneticists seem to be finding genes for everything else, perhaps they will eventually find the gene that determines sexuality and sexual orientation.  That would really be a breakthrough, don't you think?

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