Saturday, June 30, 2018

Politics and Parenting

I don't know which bothers me more: watching and listening to all these Democrats acting like petulant children throwing temper tantrums over the President's opportunity to appoint another Supreme Court justice by vowing to stop it at all costs, or watching and listening to those in the media who diligently report all this as though it was serious adult behavior. They don't even want to wait until they hear the actual name of the nominee before they stamp their collective verbal feet and dig in their heels. Their predictions about criminalizing women and putting them in jail would be laughable if I didn't fear that there are those who are woefully ignorant of reality and actually believe these diatribes.  So far, the only person even approaching any semblance of rationality has been Senator Elizabeth Warren, who actually said she would have to wait to see who the nominee was before voicing her opinion. This is the first time I have applauded her stance on anything. If these other legislators and media types were my children, they would all be sent to their rooms until they could behave in a civil manner.

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