Thursday, February 2, 2017

This is Not Supported by the Constitution

It is one thing to protest actions by the government, but it is quite another to label the fire and destruction of parts of the Berkley, California campus by its own students as  constitutionally protected protest.  The whole reason for this action was to prevent the conservative/libertarian  editor of Breitbart News from speaking on the campus. This is an assault on the rights of others to express ideas freely.  It  happened at Rutgers when students violently protested and prevented Condoleeza Rice from speaking at the2015 commencement, and it has happened at numerous other colleges around the country.  Why are these people so afraid to allow others to speak who don't share their views? All this violent destruction does nothing to advance their ideas,and makes reasonable people who actually know something about the Constitution cringe in horror at how little the Left respects free speech.  This is truly and deeply disturbing to me. These students should all be either arrested, expelled, or both. They should also have to take a real history course in the Constitution and its meaning.

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