Monday, January 30, 2017

On the Question of Immigration

To my Liberal friends and family members who are marching, stopping traffic, and signing petitions protesting President Trump's  action to delay entry into the country, I ask first that you forgive me for not thinking as you do. I would then suggest that you read the text of the Executive Order for yourself, so that your opinion, whatever it is, will be based on real information, and not just on the news media's interpretation of it which, in this instance, is in most cases biased and/or incomplete in my opinion. I feel I can say that because I did read the Executive Order; it's very easy to find on line. Beyond that, I would suggest that all the marching, shouting, and petition signing will do nothing to help the situation, and if you really believe that this country should take in thousands of refugees,  then you should be ready to help, not just use the situation as an opportunity to tear down the government.  Here's how you can help: offer to sponsor a refugee for a year, provide them with housing, and help them to find jobs. If only ten thousand people sponsored one refugee or one refugee family each, look how much of the problem would be solved.  I further believe that what Sanctuary Cities should really be doing is to work with the Federal government by making use of all their local resources, charitable organizations, religious communities and volunteers to take in however many refugees they  can handle, depending on their finances and other considerations, instead of working against the government to protect immigrants who are in this country illegally. It seems that t here is so much screaming from the opposition that it drowns out any semblance of civility.  When I was a child growing up and being schooled in the 40's and 50's the prevailing lesson was that if you didn't like a law then work to change it.  Today there are too many laws that have simply been ignored or outright violated with no consequence.  Patience has been replaced by demands for instant change. This is not a good lesson to be teaching our children. I hope that you will at least consider my suggestions, and work to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  Thank you for reading to the bottom of this blog.

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