Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Spiritual Reflection

     At its most fundamental level, Christianity mandates that we renounce all worldly possessions and follow Jesus' example - be like Him in every action we take.  In reality, most of us can't do that.  The few who do are eventually recognized as saints, and are regularly credited with earthly "miracles" (in quotation marks for those who don't believe) after they die.  They are honored as having special connections to God and can help us to be heard.  St. Anthony of Padua is one such saint whose many miracles have earned him the title of Finder of Lost Things.  He has been my go-to prayer resource whenever I have lost or misplaced my cell phone, camera, keys, important papers and such, and has rarely, if ever, let me down. Recently, however, in utter despair over the relentless bad luck my youngest son has suffered since losing his job a year ago, I cried out loudly to St. Anthony for something else.  My prayer was simple: "Dear St. Anthony, my son has lost his job; please help him to find another one ." Amazingly, the next day my son got a phone call from someone who had found his resume online and told him she thought he might be a good fit for the company she worked for.  Over the next week he went through a lengthy interview process for the job, along with, apparently, 25 others, and was one of only two people actually hired.  He started yesterday. He is hopeful again.
     I can hear you skeptics out there thinking this is all superstition and coincidence. Maybe it is, and maybe it isn't, but my experience tells me it isn't. Thank you, Saint Anthony, for answering my prayer.

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