Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Power of the Media

What upsets me the most about politics these days is how much influence the mainstream media has over the public perception of government, and which party is responsible for gridlock.  This time it's over the funding of Planned Parenthood: Republicans want to defund it for a year so that an investigation can be conducted into its abortion practices.  This seems to be a reasonable request to me, given the awful practices that have come to light about them recently. Democrats in the Senate have already vowed to reject that request, and President Obama has vowed to veto any budget that excludes the funding, and yet the media asserts that it will be the Republicans who will be responsible for a government shut-down if it occurs. This is outrageous to me.  Why are we funding Planned Parenthood anyway? It is not a government program, it's supposed to be a charity. I can't think of another charity that is funded to this extent by the federal government. If there is a government shut-down it will be because the Democrats refuse to compromise yet again on anything that Republicans want, not the other way around, and yet, the media will continue to spin the truth in Obama's favor. Why can't more people see this?

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