Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Politics of the Pope

As Catholics, we are taught that the Pope is God's Messenger on earth, the direct spiritual descendant of St. Peter.  He speaks for God, and his statements regarding religion are infallible. Some people mistakenly believe that this means that anything the Pope says is infallible, but this is not true.  How, then, to interpret  Pope Francis's most recent statements regarding global warming, which he believes is caused by humans, and the crisis of migrants in Europe, which he asserts is the result of humans worshiping the God of Money. Not once has he come out in opposition to the Islamist extremist terrorists who have precipitated this crisis. He keeps advocating a redistribution of wealth, rather than the pursuit of it, which is a Marxist doctrine, not a Biblical one. Throughout the Bible, especially the New Testament, Jesus advocates freely giving and sharing, not forced redistribution. I think that Pope Francis is overstepping his position as head of the Catholic Church and is making political matters into spiritual ones. I wonder what God thinks of all this?

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