Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I find it odd that no matter who talks about "comprehensive immigration reform", no one actually states what needs to be fixed.  Aside from securing the borders, no one seems to have a clear understanding about just what the present immigration laws say, or if they are even enforced correctly.  The only other aspect of immigration that is talked about extensively without solving anything is illegal immigration: how to stop it, and how to deal with those who are already here. 

 I have a suggestion for how to begin addressing that issue as far as those who are already here, and it is this:  start with the illegal immigrants who are employed, and have every employer verify whether or not every one has a Green Card and is a legal immigrant. If any employees who are immigrants cannot produce a Green Card, they should immediately be identified to the employer, who then fills out a form saying that the employee is duly employed and needs a  Work Permit. This form should be sent immediately to the Department of Immigration, who then will issue a Work Permit to the employee, just like applying for a Passport. This Work Permit should entitle the employee to then apply for Permanent Resident Status, or citizenship if that's how the steps progress, but in the meantime that person will be documented, at least, and thus be legally in this country.  Meanwhile, all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes, either in their home country or in the U.S., should be deported.

I think that giving employers the power to apply for work permits for their workers will incentivize illegal immigrants to apply for work. It will also get many of them off the government dole, while helping to remove the stigma of hiding from the Feds if they are in this country illegally. It would also take the onus off the businesses who hire them, as long as those businesses  can apply for the work permits without danger of punishment. However, it will only work as long as more people can't come across the border without proper papers.  In other words, the border needs to be tightened.  I know that there are fewer people entering here illegally than in the past, but in my opinion there is still too much emphasis on "immigrant" and not enough emphasis on "illegal"  Laws are laws, and they should be enforced.  That's what I think; Now if only I can get a few courageous politicians to follow through on this.....

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